EEB Seminar: Michael Levy
MSC, Room 1400Emergence, control and re-emergence of Trypanosoma cruzi in Southern Peru Michael Levy, Pennsylvania School of Medicine Host: Sarah Hamer and Gabriel Hamer Before the seminar, EEB will host a pizza lunch for EEB graduate students from 12-1pm (room TBD) and Dr. Levy will join the EEB Journal Club from 1-2pm (ILBS 3145). If you plan […]
EEB Seminar: Michael Levy
MSC, Room 1400Emergence, control and re-emergence of Trypanosoma cruzi in Southern Peru Michael Levy, Pennsylvania School of Medicine Host: Sarah Hamer and Gabriel Hamer Before the seminar, EEB will host a pizza lunch for EEB graduate students from 12-1pm (room TBD) and Dr. Levy will join the EEB Journal Club from 1-2pm (ILBS 3145). If you plan […]