August 29, 3:00 pm Location: 1400 MSC Faculty meeting |
September 5, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Ancient DNA: window to the past Speaker: Anna Linderholm, Dept of Anthropology, TAMU Hosted by G2/EEB: David Threadgill Refreshments at 3:50 pm Flyer |
September 12, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Development of CRISPR-based gene editing to understand mosquito sex, blood and virus control Speaker: Zach Adelman, Dept of Entomology, TAMU Hosted by G2/EEB: Christine Merlin Refreshments at 3:50 pm |
September 19: No seminar | |
September 26, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Causes and consequences of recombination rate variation Speaker: Nadia Singh, Dept of Biological Sciences, NC State University Hosted by G2/EEB: David Threadgill Refreshments at 3:50 pm |
October 3, 3:30 pm Location: 1400 MSC Title: Merging remote sensing, modeling, and field data to understand and manage plant invasions in Great Lakes coastal wetlands Speaker: Jason Martina, Program Coordinator EEB/ABS, TAMU Hosted by EEB: Spencer Behmer Refreshments at 3:15 |
October 10: No seminar | |
October 17, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Charting the Genotype-Phenotype Map: Lessons from Drosophila Speaker: Trudy Mackay, NC State University Hosted by G2/EEB: Jessica Elswood Refreshments at 3:50 pm |
October 24, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Impacts of rare and common variants in the human genome on gene expression variability Speaker: James Cai, Depts of VIBS and Genetics, TAMU Hosted by G2/EEB: TBA Refreshments at 3:50 pm |
October 31: No seminar | |
November 7, 3:30 pm Location: 1400 MSC Title: Collective intelligence in honey bees: How a swarm of bees chooses its home [summary] Speaker: Thomas D. Seeley, Cornell University Hosted by EEB: Juliana Rangel Refreshments at 3:15 |
November 14, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Genetic conflicts: the usual suspects and beyond Speaker: Harmit Malik, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Hosted by G2/EEB: Vaishali Katju Refreshments at 3:50 pm |
November 21, 3:30 pm Location: 1400 MSC Title: Evolution of sex determining mechanisms and sex chromosomes: of masters and slaves, newcomers and usurpers Speaker: Manfred Schartl, Biozentrum University Würzburg; TAMU-Institute for Advanced Study Hosted by EEB/G2: Gil Rosenthal Refreshments at 3:15 |
November 28: No seminar | |
December 5, 4:10 pm Location: 108 BioBio Title: Evolution with dual genomes: low mutation rate and loss of sex in Tetrahymena ciliates Speaker: Rebecca Zufall, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston Hosted by G2/EEB: Vaishali Katju Refreshments at 3:50 |