Core Faculty Research Themes
Alphabetical listing of all faculty
Community Ecology is the study of how populations of species organize and interact with each other and the environment.
Name | Title | Dept | Interest |
Antony-Babou, Sanjay | Assistant Professor |
Plant Pathology & Microbiology |
Plant-microbe interactions |
Armitage, Anna | Professor | Marine Biology Ecology & Conservation Biology |
Coastal ecosystem ecology and management of restored and impacted habitats |
Ausprey, Ian | Assistant Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Functional & demographic mechanisms underlying biodiversity change across environmental and Anthropogenic disturbance gradients |
Bapst, David | Instructional Assistant Professor |
Geology & Geophysics | Paleobiology, morphological systematics, macroevolution, fossil record of marine invertebrates |
Belanger, Christina | Assistant Professor |
Geology & Geophysics | Biotic responses to environmental change; paleoecology; paleoenvironments |
Brightsmith, Donald | Associate Professor |
Veterinary Pathobiology | Ecology and conservation of macaws and parrots |
Chappell, Thomas | Assistant Professor |
Plant Pathology & Microbiology | Epidemiology, ecology, and coevolution of plant-enemy systems |
Fitzgerald, Lee | Professor | Ecology & Conservation Biology | Mechanisms underlying persistence and disappearance of species and communities |
Hamer, Gabriel | Professor | Entomology | Ecology of infectious diseases of humans, wild animals, and domestic animals |
Hamer, Sarah | Professor | Veterinary Integrative Biosciences | Ecology and epidemiology of wildlife disease |
Kaufman, Phillip | Professor | Entomology | Veterinary and livestock entomology, insecticide resistance, biological control, integrated pest management |
Lawing, Michelle | Associate Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Evolutionary responses of species and communites to environmental change |
Motta, Erick | Assistant Professor |
Entomology | Ecology and evolution of insect-microbiome interactions, impact of environmental stressors on insect-associated microbiomes, honey bee microbiome |
Perkin, Josh | Assistant Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Ecology and conservation of freshwater fishes; riverine landscape ecology |
Quigg, Antonietta | Regents Professor |
Marine Biology | Elemental dynamics, physiology, and community ecology in coastal ecosystems |
Raymond, Anne | Professor | Geology & Geophysics | Plant paleoecology, paleobiogeography and evolutionary history |
Roelke, Daniel | Professor | Marine Biology | Lower foodweb dynamics of aquatic ecosystems; interactions between biota and physicochemical environment |
Rogers, William E. | Professor | Ecology & Conservation Biology | Plant-animal interactions, population dynamics, community assembly rules, and ecological restoration |
Tomberlin, Jeffery | Professor | Entomology | Ecology and biology of flies associated with decomposing matter |
Wilcox, Bradford | Professor | Ecology & Conservation Biology | Understanding hydrologic processes on shrublands |
Winemiller, Kirk O. | Regents Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Ecology and evolution of fishes, community ecology, and aquatic ecosystems |