trypanozoma cruzi
EEB Seminar: Michael Levy
MSC, Room 1400Emergence, control and re-emergence of Trypanosoma cruzi in Southern Peru Michael Levy, Pennsylvania School of Medicine Host: Sarah Hamer and Gabriel Hamer Before the seminar, EEB will host a pizza lunch for EEB graduate students from 12-1pm (room TBD) and Dr. Levy will join the EEB Journal Club from 1-2pm (ILBS 3145). If you plan […]
EEB Seminar: Michael Levy
MSC, Room 1400Emergence, control and re-emergence of Trypanosoma cruzi in Southern Peru Michael Levy, Pennsylvania School of Medicine Host: Sarah Hamer and Gabriel Hamer Before the seminar, EEB will host a pizza lunch for EEB graduate students from 12-1pm (room TBD) and Dr. Levy will join the EEB Journal Club from 1-2pm (ILBS 3145). If you plan […]
EEB Seminar Series Fall 2018 – Postdocs
410 Rudder Tower College Station, United StatesPostdoc Talks "Bridging basic and applied: Saving the world with a fly" Jonathan Cammack Decomposition ecology serves as a platform on which one can decipher the mechanisms regulating nutrient recycling of ephemeral resources. Such an approach provides opportunities for multidisciplinary studies involving fields such as entomology, microbiology, nutrition ecology, and chemical ecology. In addition to […]