Kiedon Bryant
Research Assistant
Dept: Biology
Lab: Moran
Research: Repeated evolution of paternal care and secondary trait loss in darters
Rachel Busselman
DVM Candidate, Part-time Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Lab: S. Hamer
Research: Canine Chagas disease, vector-borne disease, disease ecology and epidemiology
Sierra Cagle
Assistant Research Scientist
Dept: Marine Biology
Lab: Roelke
Research: Ecology of planktonic communities, ecology and bloom formation mechanisms of harmful algae, influences of freshwater inflows and nutrient loading on productivity of coastal estuaries, and mechanistic numerical modeling
Mason Clark
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Entomology
Lab: Sword
Research: Molecular physiology, genetics, and biochemistry of plant-herbivore interactions; Crop genetic engineering and transformation technologies; Population genetics and hybridization
Nicole Foley
Associate Research Scientist
Dept: Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
Lab: Murphy
Research: Recombination aware phylogenomic approaches to understand the evolution of mammals and their adaptations
Chetan Gaonkar
Assistant Research Scientist
Dept: Oceanography
Lab: Campbell
Research: Ecology of phytoplankton, taxonomic and function annotations of microbial community
Alexandra “Alex” Howard
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Ecology and Conservation Biology
Lab: Lawing
Research: Phenotypic evolution of Sceloporus (spiny lizards)
Daemin Kim
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Biology
Lab: Moran
Research: Biogeography, speciation, and species recognition in freshwater fishes using population genomic and phylogenomic approaches
Shrutarshi Paul
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Ecology and Conservation Biology
Lab: Gonder
Research: Conservation of large mammals, Spatial Ecology
Javier Ruiz-Pérez
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Ecology & Conservation Biology
Lab: Veldman
Research: Paleofire ecology, environmental archaeology, phytolith and charcoal research, open science
Jordan Salomon
Assistant Research Scientist
Dept: Entomology
Lab: Kaufman
Research: Vector-borne diseases, veterinary medical entomology, livestock pest management
Tonya Shepherd
Research Specialist I and Assistant Lecturer
Dept: Entomology
Lab: Rangel
Research: Honey bee biology, microbiology
Colton Watts
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept: Biology
Lab: Fitzpatrick
Research: Evolutionary Ecology