Core Faculty by Research Themes
Alphabetical listing of all faculty
Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology is the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms, and the mechanisms and patterns that drive the evolution of those relationships.
Name | Title | Dept | Interest |
Alvarado-Bremer, Jaime |
Professor | Marine Biology | Conservation and population genetics of large pelagic fishes |
Ausprey, Ian | Assistant Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Functional & demographic mechanisms underlying biodiversity change across environmental and Anthropogenic disturbance gradients |
Bapst, David | Instructional Assistant Professor |
Geology & Geophysics | Paleobiology, morphological systematics, macroevolution, fossil record of marine invertebrates |
Blackmon, Heath | Assistant Professor |
Biology | Evolutionary genomics, quantitative genetics, character evolution, and applied phylogenetics |
Conway, Kevin | Associate Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Systematic ichthyology; phylogenetic and comparative anatomy of ray-finned fishes |
de Ruiter, Darryl | Professor | Anthropology | Ecology and evolution of the human lineage, with a particular focus on origin of genus Homo |
Hurtado, Luis | Associate Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Evolutionary origins, patterns and maintenance of biodiversity |
Lawing, Michelle | Associate Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Evolutionary responses of species and communites to environmental change |
Light, Jessica | Professor | Ecology & Conservation Biology | Evolutionary and ecological assessments of host-parasite associations |
Mateos, Mariana | Associate Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Evolution of host-symbiont associations and phylogeography of freshwater organisms |
Miglietta, Maria Pia | Assistant Professor |
Marine Biology | Evolution, genetics, and ecology of Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) |
Murphy, William | Professor | Veterinary Integrative Biosciences | Mammalian phylogenetics and evolutionary genomics |
Pepper, Alan | Professor | Biology | Phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution in terrestrial plants |
Raymond, Anne | Professor | Geology & Geophysics | Plant paleoecology, paleobiogeography and evolutionary history |
Schulze, Anja | Associate Professor |
Marine Biology | Species distributions, dispersal and local adaptation of marine invertebrates |
Song, Hojun | Associate Professor |
Entomology | Insect systematics; phylogenetics of orthopteran insects; phenotypic plasticity; character evolution |
Spalink, Daniel | Assistant Professor |
Ecology & Conservation Biology | Plant systematics and biogeography |
Voelker, Gary | Professor | Ecology & Conservation Biology | Systematics and biogeography of birds |
Wicksten, Mary | Professor | Biology | Behavior, classification and ecology of decapod Crustacea, plus adaptive coloration in marine organisms |