… Friday, Feb 15. For our behavior, ecology, and evolution reading group this week, Zach Steffensmeier will be leading our discussion on fish introgression occurring in our own backyard! Hope to see everyone at O’Bannon’s at 4pm this Friday. [Get article here]
EEB Journal Club
… Friday, Nov 9. Please join us for an ethical/scientific debate at this week’s Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution Reading (BEER) group led by Emma Lehmberg. Attached are papers on two different viewpoints: fish don’t feel pain (as we do; Rose et al) vs. fish have consciousness and experience pain (Braithwaite). For the Rose et al. paper, reading the first 7 pages is enough to understand that side of the debate and where their main objections come from. See you at O’Bannon’s on Friday.
EEB Journal Club
Daniel Powell will be leading the discussion. We’ll be talking about avian predation on annual fish and how it affects their survival depending on their size and sex. Interesting experiment! [Reichard et al 2018]