EEB Seminar Series presents
Title: Behavioral defenses in host-parasitoid interactions.
Speaker: Todd Schlenke, Dept of Biology, Reed College.
Hosts: Aaron Tarone & Mariana Mateos
Title: Behavioral defenses in host-parasitoid interactions.
Speaker: Todd Schlenke, Dept of Biology, Reed College.
Hosts: Aaron Tarone & Mariana Mateos
Title: Behavioral defenses in host-parasitoid interactions.
Speaker: Todd Schlenke, Dept of Biology, Reed College.
Hosts: Aaron Tarone & Mariana Mateos
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No seminar today
EEB Spring Seminar Series presents
Title: Interacting traits and secret senses – Arachnids as models for studies of behavioral evolution.
Speaker: Eileen Hebets, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska.
Host: Spence Behmer
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